Saturday, May 19, 2012

Background art from 3 Armies

I wanted to post some of the artwork that went into making 3 Armies. This is Cavalyard, the first place you encounter. The finished background was uploaded as two separate files to help lower memory. I built and colored this in Illustrator, then imported it into Photoshop to make some final tweaks.
Since I had a strong idea of what I wanted to do, most of the backgrounds I penciled were pretty loose. Below is the pencil rough I worked from.

You probably noticed that I didn't draw out the entire background. Since you don't ever see the entire background on the screen at once, it allowed me to reuse some of the BG elements. :-)


Kenny Lei said...

Amazing.So ,the background in this game is actually one single image ,not as I expected.Because we (people in China)always be told to be careful with the size of material we made.If we dont,programmers would be like crying babies...So we normally would have many reusable map tiles piled up in every corner of the game,so the final size for the game would be much smaller. But,oh god,you never know how I hate this,I just wanna do exactly as you did in this game:DO as I pleased.let the programing geeks pull their hair,I dont care(Actually ,I do care)HAHA.
Have a nice day.

Andy Underwood said...

@ Kenny,

Haha, I think it all depends on the type of game that you're trying to make. I'm sure the way I went about it was not the most optimal, but it worked:-)

Unity for the most part is pretty forgiving when it comes to image size. For my game the overall visible game area is pretty small so I was able to get away with one large image. My next game, for example, has a large area to explore so I will be using a tile based system for that.